Introducing… Ready Set Push!
I am so proud to introduce my non-profit Ready Set Push to the world. I have a strong desire to make childbirth classes available to all women. Education shouldn’t be a privilege for only moms that can afford it. Read the post below to learn more about Ready Set Push.
Ready Set Push is a not-for-profit organization providing prenatal classes for low income women. In GA, the maternal death rate for white women in GA is more than twice that for white women nationally. Black women in GA suffer even more. The maternal death rate for black women in GA is twice that for white women in GA and six times the rate for white women nationally. We have a shortage of OB providers in the rural areas of the state of GA. The state of GA does not provide Medicaid to adult females unless they are pregnant. This means that women become pregnant and enter care with more untreated sicknesses and issues. This includes mental health issues as well. This all contributes to bad outcomes.
Ready Set Push hopes to provide prenatal classes for women who are newly pregnant, and support them during the pregnancy with the goal of full term vaginal deliveries.
Community Partnerships
Ready Set Push will partner with existing not-for-profits to surround women with services that address the multiple social, physical, and emotional issues that women have when they become pregnant. By making these classes low cost or free the goal is to make sure that more women have access to quality childbirth classes in their own communities. We have all recently been thrusted into virtual technology so using this platform will make it even more convenient and accessible for women. I hope to provide services at health departments, OB offices, clinics, community centers, and anywhere else that women gather to help women get education during pregnancy.
How you can help:
To support Ready Set Push reach out to info@mamasandtatas.com to discuss ways that you can help. To donate push the button below. Your donations will go toward classes for women in underserved areas. Stay tuned for highlights, testimonies and the growth of this not for profit as we help women along their pregnancy journeys.

Kiana Ayers, RN, IBCLC
I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. I've been a teen mom, NICU mom, single mom, working mom, and a married mom. My experience as a mother is helpful as I provide you with support. I have been an IBCLC for 5 years helping hundreds of families meet their breastfeeding goals. In 2018 I was awarded the March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Award for my work with Amerigroup leading their lactation program.
I am dedicated to supporting all women but have a special interest in the underserved community. I recently founded a non profit Ready Set Push with the goal of increasing access to quality childbirth education in the community.